Application of Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panels in Modern Construction

Application of Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panels in Modern Construction


Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panel, also known as PET Acoustic Panel, is a kind of acoustic panel made of 100% polyester fiber as raw material, which is hot-pressed by high-temperature technology and in the shape of cocoon cotton to achieve density diversity and color diversity. Due to its unique physical properties and wide range of applications, PET acoustic panels increasingly favored in the field of modern construction. This paper will discuss its application in modern architecture.

Application of PET Acoustic Panels  in Modern Construction

Sound absorption of polyester fiber acoustic panels

Polyester fiber acoustic panel is a kind of porous sound-absorbing material. When the sound passes through the polyester fiber acoustic panel, the reflux is formed in the cavity, and the sound energy is converted into heat energy to achieve the effect of sound absorption.
Polyester fiber sound absorption board in the noise range of 125 Hz to 4000 Hz maximum sound absorption coefficient of 0.8 or more, according to different needs to shorten the adjustment of reverberation time, remove sound impurities, improve the sound effect, and improve the clarity of language. PET acoustic panels also has the advantages of sound insulation, heat insulation, and environmental protection.

12mm PET Acoustic Panels Ceiling Clouds

Application of polyester fiber acoustic panels

Polyester fiber acoustic panels have a wide range of applications in modern architecture. Because of its good sound absorption performance, it can effectively reduce noise pollution inside the building. For example, in offices, conference rooms, hotels, and other places that need to maintain a quiet environment, polyester fiber sound-absorbing panels can be used to absorb echoes and reduce the spread of noise. In addition, in concert halls, recording studios, and other places that require good sound quality, Polyester fiber acoustic panels can also effectively eliminate noise and reverberation and improve sound quality.

In addition, Polyester fiber acoustic panels are also widely used in the field of home decoration. In the family, the kitchen, bedroom, living room, and other Spaces often exist a variety of noise sources, such as electrical noise, external noise, and so on. Polyester fiber sound-absorbing panels can be used in the walls, ceilings, and floors of home decoration to effectively absorb noise and provide a quiet living environment. The use of polyester fiber acoustic panels can also improve the indoor sound quality, enhance the sound effects, and provide better music enjoyment for home theater, music rooms, etc.

In addition, polyester fiber acoustic panel also has good plasticity and processing properties. It can be made according to the requirements of designers through die cutting, cutting, engraving, and other processes to produce a variety of shapes and structures. This flexibility and variability allow PET acoustic panels to meet different architectural styles and decorative needs, providing designers with greater creative space. The polyester sound-absorbing board comes in more than 40 colors and has a natural texture. It can be used for interior decoration, such as the decoration and modeling of walls, suspended ceilings, columns, and other parts. PET materials can produce a variety of unique decorative effects according to the designer’s creativity, enhancing the beauty and artistic sense of the interior space.



PET acoustic panel plays an important role in the field of modern construction because of their excellent sound absorption, lightweight and convenient, strong plasticity, and fire resistance. With the continuous progress of science and technology and people’s pursuit of architectural aesthetics, the application of PET acoustic materials will be more extensive and in-depth, bringing more innovation and possibilities to modern architecture. CYATCO PET acoustic panel manufacturer, engaged in PET acoustic panel, PET ceiling research and development, production, and sales of enterprises. For many years to undertake PET project decoration, welcome the need of customers to inquire.



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