Why is it important to control sound reverberation?

Why is it important to control sound reverberation?



Reverberation is a physical phenomenon. Sound waves will reflect when they encounter obstacles, so our world is full of reverberation. The length of reverberation time is an important acoustic characteristic of buildings such as concert halls, theaters, and auditoriums.

Usually, we install acoustic panels such as PET acoustic panels or acoustic wood slat panels on walls or ceilings to control reverberation and acoustic effects.


What Is Reverberation?

Reverberation can be defined as the phenomenon where sound waves inside an enclosed space persist due to repeated reflections from different objects inside the enclosed space or the boundaries of the enclosed space.

After a sound’s source has become silent, the sound will continue to reflect off surfaces until the sound wave loses energy and fades away. This continuation of the sound is called reverberation or reverb and can be measured by reverberation time.


Why Is Reverberation Important?

Reverberation can have both positive and negative effects on sound.

Advantages of Reverberation

  • Enhanced sound quality: Reverberation can enhance the overall sound quality in a variety of settings, such as concert halls, theaters, and recording studios. It adds depth and richness to the sound by filling gaps between musical notes or speech. This creates a more immersive and enjoyable listening experience for the audience.
  • Aesthetics and ambiance: Reverberation can contribute to the overall atmosphere and ambiance of a space. In concert halls and churches, for example, the reverberation can create a sense of grandeur and majesty, enhancing the emotional impact of the music or the spoken words. In addition, the right amount and type of reverberation can also enhance the mood and character of a recording or live performance.

Disadvantages of Reverberation

  • Reduced Speech Intelligibility: Excessive reverberation can make it challenging to understand spoken words, especially in crowded or noisy spaces. The reflected sounds can overlap with the original sound, causing distortion and making it harder to distinguish individual sounds and words.
  • Decreased Clarity: Reverberation can blur the sound, making it less clear and sharp. This can impact the overall quality of audio recordings, live performances, or sound reinforcement systems.
  • Reduced Music Quality: For musical performances, excessive reverberation can negatively affect the clarity and balance of different instruments and voices. It can create a muddled sound, where individual elements of the music are less defined and cohesive.


How can we reduce reverberations?

Reverberation has an important impact on speech intelligibility and can be improved by adding additional sound-absorbing acoustic panels or acoustical ceiling treatments. There are several ways to reduce reverberations in space. Here are some methods that can be employed:

  1. Acoustic Panels: Installing acoustic panels on the walls and ceilings can absorb sound waves and reduce reverberations. These panels are typically made of materials with high sound absorption properties, such as PET acoustic panels or acoustic wood slat panels.
  2. Carpeting and Curtains: Utilizing carpeting and heavy curtains can help to absorb sound. These soft materials can prevent sound waves from bouncing off hard surfaces, thus reducing reverberations.
  3. Furniture Arrangement: Strategically placing furniture and other objects within a room can help to break up sound waves and reduce reverberations. Avoiding large, empty spaces can minimize sound reflections.
  4. Ceiling Treatments: Installing acoustic ceiling tiles or suspended baffles can help to reduce reverberations by absorbing sound waves that would otherwise bounce off the ceiling.
  5. Room Design: When designing a space, incorporating features that minimize hard, flat surfaces can help to reduce reverberations. Adding curves or irregular shapes to walls can help to scatter sound waves, preventing them from bouncing back and causing excessive reverberation.

By employing these methods, it is possible to reduce reverberations in a space, creating a more comfortable and acoustically balanced environment.


In conclusion, reverberation is a key factor in defining how a space will respond to an acoustic sound. It is important knowledge to deal with the sound effects of different buildings and obtain good sound quality. Selecting the best acoustic panels for a commercial building is a crucial decision that can impact the overall look, feel, and functionality of the space. By considering factors such as durability, maintenance, acoustics, aesthetics, and budget, CYATCO can make an informed choice that suits your specific space requirements.


To learn more about how CYATCO can solve your noise control problems, use our contact form, call one of our Acoustical Sales Consultants at chuangya168@gmail.com, or visit us on the web at cyacousticpanel.com.

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