Wooden Acoustic Panels for Lecture Halls: The Key to Creating an Excellent Acoustic Environment

Wooden Acoustic Panels for Lecture Halls: The Key to Creating an Excellent Acoustic Environment


A lecture hall is a place used to hold various lectures, speeches, and seminars. Having an excellent acoustic environment is crucial to the function of the lecture hall. In order to provide a more comfortable listening experience, many lecture halls choose to install Wooden Acoustic Panels on the walls. As an efficient acoustic material, Wooden Acoustic Panels not only have excellent sound-absorbing properties but are also beautiful and environmentally friendly. This article will introduce in detail the practice of Wooden Acoustic Panels on the walls of the lecture hall and its acoustic principles to help you better understand and apply this material.


1. Acoustic principles of Wooden Acoustic Panels

Wood slat acoustic panel, also called as akupanel, is a kind of composited sound absorption structure. Its sound-absorbing principles mainly include the following points:

Wooden Acoustic Panels for Lecture Halls: The Key to Creating an Excellent Acoustic Environment

Porous sound absorption: the polyester felt on the back of the product has a large number of small pores inside. When sound waves pass through these pores, they will be refracted and reflected multiple times, resulting in sound energy loss and thus reducing noise.

Sound diffusion function: As the sound waves travel to their surface, some of them are reflected in all directions by the wooden slats on the surface.

Sound insulation function: Wooden Acoustic Panels have certain sound insulation properties, which can reduce the impact of external noise on the interior of the lecture hall.

Therefore, this product is a combination of diffusion and sound absorption of the dual functions of the product.


2. How to install wooden acoustic panels

The main steps for installing wooden acoustic panels on the walls of the lecture hall are as follows:

Survey the wall: measure the size of the wall of the lecture hall and determine the number and placement of acoustic panels.

Prepare tools and materials: Prepare the tools and materials required for installation such as sound-absorbing panels, guide rails, booms, screws, etc.

Mounting the underlying battens. Insulation wool can be placed between battens if it needs better acoustic performance.

Mounting the wooden acoustic panels. Directly on the battens with screws in the underlying acoustic felt, use black screws to achieve the best finish.

Finishing work: Check the installation quality of the acoustic panels, and clean and maintain them.


3. Material selection and design considerations for Wooden Acoustic Panels

In order to improve the performance and service life of wooden sound-absorbing panels in the lecture hall, the following points should be paid attention to when selecting materials and designing:

Choose high-quality wood: Choose wood with uniform texture and stable material, such as fir, oak, etc., to ensure the sound-absorbing performance and service life of the sound-absorbing board.

Surface treatment: The surface of wooden sound-absorbing panels needs to be treated with fireproofing, waterproofing, antisepsis, and insect protection to improve its durability and safety.

Reasonable design: According to the actual needs and acoustic characteristics of the lecture hall, select the appropriate type of sound-absorbing panels, and rationally design the size, and hole porosity of the sound-absorbing panels to achieve the best sound-absorbing effect.

Environmental considerations: During the material selection and production process, try to choose environmentally friendly materials and processes to reduce the impact of wooden sound-absorbing panels on the environment. All the wood we use comes from sustainable forestry, which ensures that forests can reproduce more trees than are being cut down.


4. Care and maintenance of Wooden Acoustic Panels

In order to extend the service life of wooden sound-absorbing panels and maintain good sound-absorbing effects, the following points should be noted:

Regular inspection: Regularly check the surface and connection parts of the sound-absorbing panels, and deal with any problems in a timely manner.

Cleaning and maintenance: Use a soft cloth or soft brush to gently wipe the surface of the sound-absorbing panel. Avoid using detergents or hard brushes containing abrasive particles to prevent scratching the surface of the acoustic panels.

Moderate ventilation: Keep the lecture hall well-ventilated and avoid leaving wooden acoustic panels in a humid environment for a long time to prevent deformation and mildew.

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